We need your help!

Introducing our exciting volunteer programme!

Calling all changemakers, young and seasoned! Are you craving some fun, purpose, and a chance to make a real difference in your community? We would love to hear from you. Embark on our volunteer programme to spark positive ripples in our Croydon, Barnet and Barking & Dagenham communities.

We welcome volunteers throughout our Babyzone delivery day and are open:

  • In Barking & Dagenham from 9:30am - 2:30pm on a Wednesday (term-time only)

  • In Barnet and Croydon from 9:30am - 2:30pm on a Thursday (term-time only)

  • Coming soon in Warrington from 9:30am - 2:30pm on a Thursday (term-time only)

Each volunteer brings their own unique ideas on what we can do to enhance the support families receive. There are many ways to get involved and flexibility on how many hours you’d like to be involved, which include but are not limited to:

  • Set up for the day (8:30am - 9:30am)

  • Welcoming families as they come into Babyzone (anytime from 9:30am)

  • Managing an activity for families to participate in which includes anything from arts & crafts, to dance, music, puzzles and sport! We’re open to hear your ideas! (anytime from 9:30am)

  • Sorting and storing equipment that falls out of place (anytime from 9:30am)

  • Pack down for the day (2pm - 3pm)

“A helping hand can be a ray of sunshine, in a cloudy world”